Technical Programme

TIME Auditorium
Tuesday 17 September
08:30 - 09:00 Opening Session
09:00 - 10:30 Plenary 1: Roberto Sabella (Ericsson Reasearch, Italy)
Plenary 2: Michel Sotom (Thales Alenia Space, France)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Tu2: THz Generation
12:30 - 14:00 Poster Session & Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:30 Tu3: MWP for Space
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30 Tu4: MWP-based Characterization Techniques
19:00 - 21:00 Get Together
21:30 - 22:30 Classical Music Concert
Wednesday 18 September
09:00 - 10:30 Plenary 3: Kerry Vahala (Caltech, USA)
Plenary 4: Sergio Leon-Saval (University of Sidney, Australia)
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 We2: Opto-Electronic Oscillators
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:30 We3: Sponsor Session
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30 We4: THz Systems 1
Thursday 19 September
09:00 - 10:30 Th1: Radar and Imaging
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Th2: THz Systems 2
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:30 Th3: RoF and Radio-Astronomy
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:30 Th4: Integrated Components
12:50 - 13:50 Social Activity - 1: Visit - Pizza dei Miracoli
18:00 - 19:00 Social Activity - 2: Visit Leaning Tower of Pisa
Friday 20 September
09:00 - 10:30 Fr1: MWP in Artificial Intelligence
10:30 - 11:00 Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30 Fr2: LNOI Components
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:30 Fr3: MWP Components
15:30 - 16:00 Coffee Break
16:00 - 16:30 Fr4: Postdeadline Session
16:30 - 17:00 Student Award Ceremony & Closing Session
17:00 - 19:30 Social Activity - 2: Visit to VIRGO

Tu2: THz Generation

  • Tu2.1: Si- and SiC-based Integration Platforms for Generation, Transmission, and Detection of THz Signals
    Tadao Nagatsuma – Osaka University INVITED
    Time: 11:00 17 Sept.
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    Tadao Nagatsuma | Weijie Gao | Yuma Kawamoto | Takahiro Ohara | Hiroshi Ito | Tadao Ishibashi
    Osaka University | Osaka University | Osaka University | Osaka University | The University of Tokyo | Wavepackets LLC
    In this paper, we introduce our development of devices and components using Si- and SiC-substrate-based platforms as practical integration method to realize high-performance, cost-effective THz systems. We also showcase applications of these technologies in 300-GHz-band communications systems.

  • Tu2.2: THz wave generation using hybrid electro-optic modulators: simulations and experimental results
    Sanghoon Chin – Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique
    Time: 11:30 17 Sept.
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    Sanghoon Chin | Ewelina Obrzud
    Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique | Centre Suisse d’Electronique et de Microtechnique
    A novel scheme to generate terahertz waves is proposed and numerically and experimentally investigated. The configuration of the proposed technique consists of cascaded electro-optic modulators to apply sinusoidal hybrid modulation of optical amplitude and phase onto the incident light. The key to drive an efficient terahertz wave relies on the spectral tuning capability of the optical spectrum of the modulated light. The optical power of sidebands around the optical frequency of the seed laser can be significantly reduced by optimizing the relative phase offset of microwave signal applied to the amplitude and phase modulation and the DC bias of amplitude modulator. In this way, a proof-of-concept dual frequency-like laser with a spectral distance of 86.4 GHz has been successfully generated.

  • Tu2.3: Optical Heterodyning Generation of Frequency Comb in the 180-240 GHz sub-THz Band
    Marcos Delgado Blanco – Dublin City University
    Time: 11:45 17 Sept.
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    Marcos Delgado Blanco | Amol Delmade | Liam Barry
    Dublin City University | Dublin City University | Dublin City University
    We have demonstrated the generation of a 5 GHz free spectral range frequency comb in the sub-THz wave band from 180 to 240 GHz. An injected locked gain-switched optical frequency comb and a fibre laser, as an optical local oscillator, beat on a high-speed photo-mixer to obtain the millimetre wave comb.

  • Tu2.4: Novel Photomixing-based Terahertz-wave Generation/Modulation System with Single Tunable Laser Diode
    Naoto Masutomi – Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
    Time: 12:00 17 Sept.
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    Naoto Masutomi | Shenghong Ye | Yoshiki Kamiura | Ryota Kaide | Yuya Mikami | Yuta Ueda | Kazutoshi Kato
    Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | NTT Device Technology Laboratories, NTT Corporation | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
    We devised a novel terahertz-wave generation/modulation system by photomixing using a single high-speed tunable laser diode. Successful 300-GHz-band data transmission with PRBS-7 was demonstrated for the first time.

  • Tu2.5: Microwave Photonic RF Comb Generator for D- and J-Band
    Jonas Gläsel – Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut
    Time: 12:15 17 Sept.
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    Jonas Gläsel | Hendrik Boerma | Trung Thanh Tran | Karolis Balskus | Edgar Fernandes | Benjamin Rudin | Florian Emaury | Patrick Runge | Martin Schell
    Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut | Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut | Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut | Menhir Photonics AG | Menhir Photonics AG | Menhir Photonics AG | Menhir Photonics AG | Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut | Fraunhofer Heinrich-Hertz-Institut
    We present two microwave photonic RF comb generators based on a quartz-stabilized, ultra-low phase noise fs-pulse laser in combination with high-speed RF waveguide coupled photodetectors. With 325 GHz, the cutoff frequency of the subsystem exceeds the state of the art and enables broadband microwave comb generation with 1 GHz spacing in the D- and J-band, while obtaining spectrally pure single microwave tones with a spectral width below 1.5 Hz and high temporal stability.

Tu3: MWP for Space

  • Tu3.1: Photonic processing of radiofrequency signals in a satellite payload
    Kasia Balakier – European Space Agency, UK INVITED
    Time: 14:00 17 Sept.
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    Kasia Balakier
    European Space Agency, UK

  • Tu3.2: Photonic RF Receiver Front-end Architectures for Satcom Payloads
    Metodi Belchovski – Eindhoven University of Technology
    Time: 14:30 17 Sept.
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    Metodi Belchovski | Simon Rommel | Benoit Benazet | Michel Sotom
    Eindhoven University of Technology | Eindhoven University of Technology | Thales Alenia Space | Thales Alenia Space
    In this paper, six photonic RF front-end frequency mixer architectures are compared in terms of functional performance in order to find the best downconversion scheme for a satellite receiver. We present in particular the RF gain and noise figure performance and investigate the impact of the halfwave voltage of the intensity and phase modulators. Additionally, the main advantages of having a photonic RF front-end in the satellite receive section are discussed. Finally, we analyze the system complexities and offer recommendations for implementing a photonic RF front-end.

  • Tu3.3: Heterodyne beat frequency synthesis using double-wavelength lasers for space applications
    Rodrigo Antonio Vidal Pinto – III-V Lab
    Time: 14:45 17 Sept.
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    Rodrigo Antonio Vidal Pinto
    III-V Lab
    We have demonstrated a widely tunable Radio Frequency (RF) source based on hybrid cavity dual wavelength narrow linewidth Distributed Bragg Reflector (DBR) lasers. The source is formed by joining a double InP reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (R-SOA) and a Silicon Nitride (Si3N4) circuit on silicon chip integrating two Bragg grating reflectors and a directional coupler integrated in. The hybrid circuit demonstrated a tuning range of the wavelength separation of 152 GHz. Due to limitations of the measurement setup the RF beat-note tuning range was measured only up to 67 GHz.

  • Tu3.4: Integrated photonics-based electrical multicarrier generation system for satellite communications in the Ka and V bands
    Jessica César-Cuello – Carlos III University of Madrid
    Time: 15:00 17 Sept.
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    Jessica César-Cuello | Alberto Zarzuelo | Charoula Mitsolidou | Luis González-Guerrero | Roelof B. Timens | Paulus W. L. Van Dijk | Chris G. H. Roeloffzen | José Manuel Delgado Mendinueta | Guillermo Carpintero
    Carlos III University of Madrid | Carlos III University of Madrid | LioniX International | Carlos III University of Madrid | LioniX International | LioniX International | LioniX International | Carlos III University of Madrid | Carlos III University of Madrid
    This work presents an integrated tunable multi-laser module for the generation of multiple microwave signal carriers. The module consists of five InP-Si3N4 hybrid integrated lasers, where each laser is formed by an intracavity wavelength-selective optical filter based on two ring resonators. The single gain lasers characterized in this work exhibit optical linewidths below 40 kHz. By means of heterodyne mixing of optical frequencies, we have successfully demonstrated the simultaneous generation of two local oscillator (LO) signals for satellite communications in the Ka and V bands at 29 GHz and 41 GHz, respectively. This system has the potential to be scaled for the simultaneous generation of up to 10 LO signals.

  • Tu3.5: Space-compliant Hybrid Integrated Microwave Photonic Systems: Progress and Open Issues
    Md Masum Hossen – TeCIP Institute: Scuola Superiore SantAnna
    Time: 15:15 17 Sept.
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    Md Masum Hossen | Luca Rinaldi | Tommaso Seresini | Paolo Ghelfi | Antonella Bogoni | Muhammad Imran
    TeCIP Institute: Scuola Superiore SantAnna | PNTLab: CNIT | Antwerp Space | PNTLab: CNIT | TeCIP Institute: Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna | TeCIP Institute: Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
    An overview of the advancements and unresolved challenges of hybrid integrated microwave photonic (MWP) systems in space environment is presented. MWP systems, which leverage the advantages of both photonic and microwave technologies, have shown significant potential for space applications due to their high bandwidth, low size, weight, and power consumption (SWaP). We review recent progress in the development of these systems, focusing on their integration platforms, performance and testing in space environments. Additionally, we perform a gap analysis and identify key open issues that need to be addressed to fully realize the potential of these systems in space applications.

Tu4: MWP-based Characterization Techniques

  • Tu4.1: RF-Photonic Auto-Correlator Based Spectrum Analyzer for Single Ultra-Short Signal Pulse
    Weimin Zhou – US. Army Research Laboratory INVITED
    Time: 16:00 17 Sept.
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    Weimin Zhou
    US. Army Research Laboratory
    A new optical-recirculation-loop-based analog autocorrelation spectrum analyzation system is demonstrated. It achieved for the first time, a high-resolution spectrum which resolved 25MHz two-tone for a 30 ns duration short high frequency (~30GHz) RF pulse. This optical analog time-correlation technique will allow us to “stretch” time by a factor of million and avoid needing a high-frequency ADC to obtain a “snapshot” in the frequency domain for ultra-short or transient events. This also indicates that it is possible to “bypass” the limit set by the uncertainty principle in the case of a continuum by extending the “observation/measurement” time using this RF-Photonic analog autocorrelation technique. This technology opens the door for many new type of detection/measurement system applications to study ultra-short microwave signals and/or transient events. This revolutionizes the future RF electronic systems.

  • Tu4.2: Breaking the Resolution Limitation in Fast-sweeping Photonic-assisted Microwave Frequency Identification
    Xu Hong – Beijing institute of Technology
    Time: 16:30 17 Sept.
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    Xu Hong | Haoyan Liu | Bin Wang | Weifeng Zhang
    Beijing institute of Technology | Beijing institute of Technology | Beijing institute of Technology | Beijing institute of Technology
    Photonic-assisted microwave frequency identification has been extensively studied for civil and defense applications due to its distinct features, including wide frequency coverage, large instantaneous bandwidth, and immunity to electromagnetic interference. In this paper, we propose and experimentally demonstrate a novel approach for high-resolution and fast-sweeping photonic-assisted microwave frequency identification. In the proposed system, high resolution is realized by using a hybrid optical resonator with an ultrahigh Q-factor. Fast sweep is achieved by continuously repeating the ultrafast chirped signal in a short duration. When the ultrahigh-Q optical resonator is excited by the continuously repeating ultrafast chirped signal, whose frequency is linearly swept across the resonance with a duration shorter than the cavity lifetime, the ringing effect with an oscillating transmission spectrum can be observed. By employing the pulse compression technique, the pulse width of the ringing signal can be compressed, thereby breaking the resolution limitation of the fast-sweeping frequency identification system. An experiment is performed and different types of microwave signals are identified. A microwave frequency identification with a temporal resolution of 4 ms and a frequency resolution of 20 MHz is experimentally demonstrated within a measurement range from 2 to 18 GHz.

  • Tu4.3: Frequency Noise Characterization of Laser Sources Based on Wavelength Division Multiplexing and Cross-Correlation Estimation
    Junyu Liu – National Key Laboratory of Microwave Photonics
    Time: 16:45 17 Sept.
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    Junyu Liu | Li Yang | Shifeng Liu | Shilong Pan
    National Key Laboratory of Microwave Photonics | National Key Laboratory of Microwave Photonics | National Key Laboratory of Microwave Photonics | National Key Laboratory of Microwave Photonics | National Key Laboratory of Microwave Photonics
    In this paper, we propose a novel method to measure the frequency noise characteristics of narrow linewidth laser sources based on wavelength division multiplexing and cross-correlation estimation using two reference lasers. The delayed self-heterodyne structure is shared by the under-test laser (LUT) and the two reference lasers (LREF), and furthermore the cross-correlation process enables the proposed system immune to the environmental vibration. In experiments, frequency noise and linewidth distribution characteristic of the LUT are measured.

  • Tu4.4: High-accuracy Optical Fiber Transfer Delay Measurement Based on Comb-enhanced Phase Detection and Phase-derived Ranging
    Xingyu Liu – Beijing institute of Technology
    Time: 17:00 17 Sept.
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    Xingyu Liu | Bin Wang | Weifeng Zhang
    Beijing institute of Technology | Beijing institute of Technology | Beijing institute of Technology
    We propose and experimentally demonstrate an approach for high-accuracy optical fiber transfer delay (OFTD) measurement based on comb-enhanced phase detection and phase-derived ranging. To achieve a high measurement accuracy, two comb lines selected from an optical frequency comb (OFC) with a large frequency interval are transmitted through a fiber under test and used for OFTD measurement. With the use of the dual-heterodyne phase error transfer scheme, the phase change of the two comb lines induced by the OFTD variation can be mapped to the phase change of a low-frequency RF signal, which can be measured using a high-accuracy phase detector. To extend the measurement range, a phase-derived ranging approach is employed, in which the frequency interval of the OFC is swept within a small range and the integer ambiguity caused by phase detection can be removed. In the experiment, an ultrahigh OFTD measurement accuracy of ±0.025 ps and a large measurement range over 20 km have been achieved. The proposed system holds unique advantages of high measurement accuracy and large measurement range, which is potential to be widely used in distributed coherent radar, optical fiber communication and fiber-optical sensing systems.

  • Tu4.5: An Ultra-wideband ADC using LSTM and Photonic Time Stretching
    Mandeep Singh – Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
    Time: 17:15 17 Sept.
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    Mandeep Singh | Joydip Dutta | Purva Sharma | Lakshmi Narasimhan Theagarajan | Deepa Venkitesh
    Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India | Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India | Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India | Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India | Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India
    We present an ultra-wideband analog-to-digital conveter (ADC) using a photonic time-stretching (PTS) frontend and a long short-term memory (LSTM) deep recurrent neural network (RNN) for mitigating signal distortions introduced in the frontend. The proposed system achieves a signal-to-noise-anddistortion ratio (SNDR) of 45 dB and an effective number of bits (ENOB) of around 7 using a 1 GSa/s electronic ADC for input RF frequencies in the range of 0.6 GHz to 1.4 GHz. The photonic time stretching in the proposed system, reduces the ADC’s bandwidth requirement by threefold. Unlike previously known PTS-ADC systems, the proposed LSTM-based system can process signals at arbitrary sampling rates and sample sizes without the need for model retraining.

We2: Opto-Electronic Oscillators

  • We2.1: Ultra low noise OEO and new perspectives with PIC
    Vincent Crozatier – Thales Research and Technology, France INVITED
    Time: 11:00 18 Sept.
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    Vincent Crozatier
    Thales Research and Technology, France

  • We2.2: A Low Phase Noise Frequency division system based on Optoelectronic Oscillators
    Chong Liu – Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
    Time: 11:30 18 Sept.
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    Chong Liu | Haoyan Xu | Tong Yang | Yiwen Lu | Qizhuang Cen | Feifei Yin | Kun Xu | Ming Li | Yitang Dai
    Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | Institute of Semiconductors Chinese Academy of Sciences | Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
    A low phase noise divid-by-9 frequency division system based on a conjugate injection-locking Opto-Electronic Oscillator (OEO) is proposed and experimentally demonstrated. A 9GHz reference microwave signal is injected into the system, and its subharmonic is locked with a 1 GHz OEO loop through a frequency multiplication-mixing section. The signal is finally output by the OEO loop. And the additive phase noise of this divid-by-9 system is -155dBc/Hz at 10KHz offset while the phase noise of the free-running OEO loop’s output is -117.2dBc/Hz at 10KHz offset. Further, the division factor of this system can be easily changed.

  • We2.3: Direct generation of Cs-based atomic clock RF interrogation signal by an optoelectronic oscillator
    Jimmy Pennanech – Thales Land and Air Systems
    Time: 11:45 18 Sept.
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    Jimmy Pennanech | Yohann Léguillon | François Gutty | Ghaya Baili | Luc Leviandier | Vincent Crozatier | Arnaud Fernandez | Olivier Llopis
    Thales Land and Air Systems | Thales Land and Air Systems | Thales Research & Technology | Thales Research & Technology | Thales Research & Technology | Thales Research & Technology | LAAS-CNRS | LAAS-CNRS
    We propose to use an optoelectronic oscillator to generate the RF signal interrogation of a Cs-based RF atomic clock. In this proof-of-concept experiment, we show that the adjustment of the optical fiber length in the OEO while operating the optical carrier at 1.3 μm allows for dramatic improvement of the RF contribution to the relative frequency instability of the clock down to 2.9×10-14 at 1 s, a factor of 2 better than state-of-the-art RF synthesis.

  • We2.4: Experimental demonstration of a 25 GHz optoelectronic oscillator using an integrated resonant photoreceiver consisting of a GeSi photodiode and co-designed III-V low-noise amplifier
    Vincent Crozatier – Thales Research & Technology
    Time: 12:00 18 Sept.
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    Vincent Crozatier | Michiel Van Osta | Reinier Broucke | Laurens Bogaert | Joris Van Kerrebrouck | Nishant Singh | Guy Torfs
    Thales Research & Technology | Ghent University – imec | Ghent University – imec | Ghent University – imec | Ghent University – imec | Ghent University – imec | Ghent University – imec
    We present an experimental demonstration of a 25 GHz optoelectronic oscillator made using an integrated resonant photoreceiver front-end. The front-end consists of an assembly with a photodiode and a co-designed low-noise amplifier that has an input network that provides optimum noise and power matching to the photodiode impedance. Due to the low noise figure and good power matching of the receiver front-end chipset, we measured a phase noise of -118 dBc/Hz @ 10 kHz offset and a floor of -154 dBc/Hz on a 5 dBm output tone.

  • We2.5: Photonics Generation of THz Signals at 4.7 THz Using a Modulator-Based Optical Comb Source
    Isao Morohashi – National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
    Time: 12:15 18 Sept.
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    Isao Morohashi | Yoshihisa Irimajiri | Akira Kawakami | Norihiko Sekine
    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
    Photonic generation of terahertz (THz) waves at 4.7 THz and precise measurement of the lasing frequency of a quantum cascade laser (QCL) have been successfully demonstrated. An optical carrier extracted from a broadband optical comb was converted to a THz wave by a uni-traveling carrier photodiode and the THz wave was received by a hot electron bolometer mixer with the THz-QCL for the local oscillator source. As a result, a spectrum of a THz wave at 4.7 THz was successfully measured and the lasing frequency of the THz-QCL was decided by the frequency spacing of the optical carrier and a beat frequency.

We4: THz Systems 1

  • We4.1: 4x224Gb/s WDM PAM4 Transmission over 30km SMF Based on Optoelectronic Feedforward Equalization (OE-FFE) for 6G Digital Fronthaul
    Paikun Zhu – NICT
    Time: 16:00 18 Sept.
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    Paikun Zhu | Yuki Yoshida | Ken-ichi Kitayama | Kouichi Akahane
    NICT | NICT | NICT; Hamamatsu Photonics | NICT
    We experimentally demonstrate the first low-complexity C-band 4×224Gb/s DWDM intensity modulation direct detection (IM-DD) PAM4 transmission over 30km single-mode fiber, which is supported by an optoelectronic feedforward equalization (OE-FFE) technique with a multi-wavelength-shared 1-tap optical delay line (ODL). The system is suitable for extended-reach 6G digital fronthaul (and midhaul) applications.

  • We4.2: Photonics-enabled 6G Distributed MIMO: Experimental Study in an Indoor Environment
    Tianyu Jiang – Department of Applied Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
    Time: 16:15 18 Sept.
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    Tianyu Jiang | Kristaps Rubuls | Mahdieh Joharifar | Armands Ostrovskis | Anders Djupsjöbacka | Jakub Zverina | Leoš Halmo | Sandis Spolitis | Vjaceslavs Bobrovs | Oskars Ozolins | Xiaodan Pang | Rafael Puerta
    Department of Applied Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Institute of Photonics, Electronics and Telecommunications, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia | Department of Applied Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology | Institute of Photonics, Electronics and Telecommunications, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden | Argotech a.s., Náchod, Czech Republic | Argotech a.s., Náchod, Czech Republic | Institute of Photonics, Electronics and Telecommunications, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia | Institute of Photonics, Electronics and Telecommunications, Riga Technical University, Riga, Latvia | RISE Research Institutes of Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden | Department of Applied Physics, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden | Ericsson Research, Ericsson AB, Stockholm, Sweden
    The sixth generation (6G) of mobile networks will enable novel services and applications but new challenges are expected to arise as well. As a result, novel implementation techniques need to be developed. Among these, distributed multiple-input multiple-output (D-MIMO) is a promising wireless technology that can provide higher coverage and spectral efficiency, both of which are essential to fulfill some of the new 6G requirements. To demonstrate the feasibility of D-MIMO technology, we experimentally validate coherent joint transmission (CJT) in a D-MIMO network that uses analog radio-over-fiber (ARoF) fronthaul links and centralized processing, achieving signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) gains of up to 10.54 dB.

  • We4.3: 300 GHz-band Transmission System Using Carrier Generation by Optical and Wireless Converged Approach
    Kosuke Nishimura – KDDI Research, Inc.
    Time: 16:30 18 Sept.
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    Kosuke Nishimura | Ken-ichi Kashima | Atsunobu Ohta | Ryotaro Manabe | Hotaka Hayashi | Hidenori Takahashi | Michikazu Hattori | Takehiro Tsuritani | Hiroshi Murata
    KDDI Research, Inc. | Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc. | Dexerials Photonics Solutions Corporation | Hitachi Kokusai Electric Inc. | KDDI Corporation | KDDI Research, Inc. | Toyo Electric Corporation | KDDI Research, Inc. | Mie University
    We are developing 300 GHz-band transmission system employing carrier generation by an optical and wireless converged approach.  100 GHz band carrier is generated by O/E converting remotely fed optical two-tone signal using a W-band photoreceiver module, in which a uni-traveling carrier photodiode (UTC-PD) and a InP-based high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) amplifier are hybrid integrated.  We have successfully demonstrated 3-m transmission of 5 Gbps on-off keying (OOK) signal conveyed on 300 GHz-band carrier generated by frequency tripling.

  • We4.4: Fiber–Wireless System Using All-Photonic Transceiver for Tunable sub-THz Signal Generation and Down-conversion
    Pham Tien Dat – National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
    Time: 16:45 18 Sept.
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    Pham Tien Dat | Yuya Yamaguchi | Shingo Takano | Shotaro Hirata | Junichiro Ichikawa | Ryo Shimizu | Keizo Inagaki | Yuki Yoshida | Atsushi Kanno | Tetsuya Kawanishi | Naokatsu Yamamoto | Kouichi Akahane
    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) | Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co., Ltd. | Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co., Ltd. | Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co., Ltd. | Sumitomo Osaka Cement Co., Ltd. | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) | Nagoya Institute of Technology | Waseda University | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT) | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology (NICT)
    A flexible fiber–wireless system using all-photonic transceivers for generation, transmission, reception, and down-conversion of spectrally agile radio signals up to 220 GHz is proposed and demonstrated. The system employs a low-loss optical modulator for direct radio-to-optical conversion and photonic down-conversion method. A high-extinction-ratio optical modulator was fabricated and employed for pure two-tone optical signal generation for tunable radio signal up- and down-conversion. Using the proposed system, we successfully transmitted 5G new radio standard-compliant and 100-Gb/s OFDM signals and achieved satisfactory performance. The system can facilitate the deployment of mmW and sub-THz communications in 6G and beyond.

  • We4.5: Experimental Characterization of a WR3-Coupled Photodiode Transmitter for High-Speed Terahertz Wireless Communication
    In-Ho Baek – Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute
    Time: 17:00 18 Sept.
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    In-Ho Baek | Oliver Stiewe | Jonas Gläsel | Metin Furkan Ulukan | Alexander Schindler | Felix Ganzer | Trung T. Tran | Robert Elschner | Colja Schubert | Patrick Runge | Martin Schell | Ronald Freund
    Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute | Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute | Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute | Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute | Technical University Berlin | Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute | Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute | Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute | Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute | Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute | Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute | Fraunhofer Heinrich Hertz Institute
    We analyze the system performance of a large bandwidth photonic THz transmitter based on a WR3 coupled photodiode. Employing probabilistic constellation shaping (PCS) alongside a 64-QAM base constellation, we achieve net data rates of up to 76.8 Gbit/s at 32 GBd. The system’s performance is evaluated across various symbol rates and shaping entropies, with bit-error rates (BER) analyzed in relation to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver.

  • We4.6: Integrated microwave photonic devices based on graphene for the next generation wireless links
    Alberto Montanaro – CNIT
    Time: 17:15 18 Sept.
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    Alberto Montanaro | Matteo Tiberi | Alex Boschi | Guillaume Ducournau | Vaidotas Miseikis | Stefano Soresi | Sara Pascale | Chao Wen | Jincan Zhang | Mario Giovanni Frecassetti | Paola Galli | Henri Happy | Sergio Pezzini | Andrea C. Ferrari | Marco Romagnoli | Camilla Coletti | Vito Sorianello
    CNIT | Cambridge Graphene Centre | Center for Nanotechnology Innovation NEST IIT | CNRS, Univ. Polytech. Hauts de France UMR 8520 | Center for Nanotechnology Innovation NEST IIT | Inphotec, CamGraPhIC srl | Inphotec, CamGraPhIC srl | Cambridge Graphene Centre | Cambridge Graphene Centre | NOKIA X-Haul BU | NOKIA Solutions and Networks | IEMN, Université de Lille, France | NEST, Istituto Nanoscienze-CNR | Cambridge Graphene Centre | Inphotec, CamGraPhIC srl | Center for Nanotechnology Innovation, NEST, IIT | CNIT
    We present sub-THz links using graphene-based integrated photodetectors in the photobolometric regime. We use these as optoelectronic mixers to reduce the complexity of common photonic-aided schemes, by eliminating the need of optical modulators, commonly used to encode the data stream in the optical domain. We use them as photonic-aided sub-THz up-converters and down-converters, with bandwidth covering the entire W-band range.

Th1: Radar and Imaging

  • Th1.1: Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Photonic Imaging Systems
    Dennis Prather – University of Delaware, USA INVITED
    Time: 9:00 19 Sept.
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    Dennis Prather
    University of Delaware, USA

  • Th1.2: High-Resolution Terahertz Hyperspectral Imaging with Swept-Frequency Dual-Comb
    Xing Fang – Zhejiang University
    Time: 9:30 19 Sept.
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    Xing Fang | Zuomin Yang | Hongqi Zhang | Zhidong Lyu | Lu Zhang | Xianbin Yu
    Zhejiang University
    Dual-comb based hyperspectral imaging (DCHI) offers outstanding advantages for ultra- precise spectral analysis. In this work, we present and demonstrate terahertz (THz) hyperspectral imaging using a photonic swept-frequency dual-comb THz source, which combines frequency-modulated continuous waves (FMCW) with dual electro-optic combs. The proposed innovative approach can overcome the typical trade-off between spectral bandwidth and frequency resolution in traditional dual-comb imaging systems, impressively achieving a frequency resolution of 50 MHz within a flexible spectral bandwidth of 220-320 GHz for non-destructive imaging diagnostics.

  • Th1.3: High-resolution Microwave Photonic Radars
    Yang Liu – EPFL, Switzerland INVITED
    Time: 9:45 19 Sept.
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    Yang Liu
    EPFL, Switzerland

  • Th1.4: Heterogeneously Integrated Multi-band Radar Transceiver Based on Micro-Transfer-Printing
    Federico Camponeschi – Scuola Superiore Sant\’Anna
    Time: 10:15 19 Sept.
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    Federico Camponeschi | Filippo Scotti | Luca Rinaldi | Claudio Porzi | Jing Zhang | Gunther Roelkens | Paolo Ghelfi | Antonella Bogoni | Mirco Scaffardi
    Scuola Superiore Sant\’Anna | CNIT | CNIT | Scuola Superiore Sant\’Anna | Ghent University | Ghent University | CNIT | Scuola Superiore Sant\’Anna | CNIT
    An integrated and fully packaged photonic-based radar transceiver has been proposed and, for the first time, demonstrated. It utilizes micro-transfer-printing technique to incorporate an indium phosphide semiconductor optical amplifier into a silicon-on-insulator photonic integrated circuit. Experimental characterization shows down-conversion of RF signals up to 20 GHz to intermediate frequency.

Th2: THz Systems 2

  • Th2.1: Eavesdropping avoid Terahertz-wave Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum FSK System Driven by Ultra-fast Wavelength Tunable Laser
    Shenghong Ye – Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
    Time: 11:00 19 Sept.
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    Shenghong Ye | Naoto Masutomi | Ryo Matsumoto | Ryota Kaide | Bo Li | Ming Che | Yuya Mikami | Kazutoshi Kato | Yuta Ueda
    Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | NTT Device Technology Laboratories NTT Corporation
    To address the increasingly severe eavesdropping risks faced by terahertz-wave wireless communication links, we proposed a photonics-based frequency hopping spread spectrum (FHSS) system. The system is based on photomixing driven by a wavelength tunable laser with ultra-fast wavelength tunability. By controlling two electrodes with different tuning ranges on the ultra-fast wavelength tunable laser, not only the channel-to-channel frequency hopping time was reached to 1 ns crossing the 35 GHz range at the 300-GHz-band, but also 1 Gbit/s binary frequency-shift keying (BFSK) communications at each channel were achieved, with bit error rate (BER) of 2.2×10–6. More importantly, the frequency hopping sequence serves as an encryption key in this system for physical layer security. Unless the receiver follows the same frequency hopping sequence as the transmitter, the hopping carrier frequency cannot be de-hopped. The FHSS/FSK-protected terahertz-wave communication link eliminates the long-standing threat of eavesdropping from unauthorized users.

  • Th2.2: Optically-Controlled THz Beam Stabilization for Wideband Wireless Communications
    Bo Li – Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
    Time: 11:15 19 Sept.
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    Bo Li | Ming Che | Shenghong Ye | Yoshiki Kamiura | Haolan Tang | Masato Kawano | Hussein Ssali | Yuya Mikami | Kazutoshi Kato
    Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
    Photonic phased array antennas (PAAs) are recognized as a promising approach to mitigate the significant path loss in the THz band. However, the inherent frequency-dependence of PAAs limits their application in wideband THz wireless communications, as changes in frequency cause beam distortion. To address this challenge, we propose an optically controlled technique that utilizes an optical phased array (OPA) for THz beam stabilization. This technique involves stabilizing the beam direction by independently adjusting the phases of the array elements using an OPA and photomixers during frequency switching in wideband wireless communications. Our experimental results demonstrate that this technique effectively improves the beam stability by 1.29 dB during carrier frequency hopping in the 290-GHz to 305-GHz range, compared to a system without such control. By mitigating the frequency-dependent limitations of PAAs, this system broadens their applicability in wideband wireless communications.

  • Th2.3: Optical-THz seamless 10-Gbit/s wireless communication based on cross-gain modulation in semiconductor optical amplifier
    Yoshiki Kamiura – Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
    Time: 11:30 19 Sept.
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    Yoshiki Kamiura | Ryo Doi | Chengyuan Qian | Ming Che | Yuya Mikami | Kazutoshi Kato
    Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University | Graduate School of Information Science and Electrical Engineering, Kyushu University
    We propose a seamless optical-terahertz wireless communication system for advanced 6G networks utilising cross-gain modulation in semiconductor optical amplifiers and have successfully demonstrated 10 Gbit/s OOK wireless communication in the 0.32 THz. Moreover, our results highlight the potential of integrating THz communications with deployed fibre-optic networks, promising improved transmission capacity and cost-effectiveness.

  • Th2.4: 93-GHz Wireless Transmission enabled by a Wideband Photonic Oscillator based on two Phase-Locked Lasers
    Antonio Malacarne – CNIT
    Time: 11:45 19 Sept.
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    Antonio Malacarne | Alberto Montanaro | Alessandra Bigongiari | Antonella Bogoni | Vito Sorianello | Claudio Porzi
    CNIT | CNIT | Ericsson Research | SCUOLA SUPERIORE SANT\\\’ANNA | CNIT | Scuola Superiore Sant\\\’Anna
    The mm-wave frequency spectrum offers the possibility to afford the increasing demand of high data-rate communication links. Microwave-photonics techniques can be advantageously used for reconfigurable generation of very high frequency clocks with no need for high-frequency and high-performance electrical oscillators and the additional functionality of remote distribution of the signal through fiber-optics or free-space optic links. Here we successfully test the spectral purity and stability of a wideband tunable photonic oscillator (WTPO) for supporting analog up-conversion of GHz-rate complex data signals in a W-band wireless transmission testbed. The oscillator output is derived from the beating into a photodiode of two narrow-linewidth lasers which are phase locked thanks to an electronic locking system. In this first demonstration, the WTPO output frequency has been multiplied to reach the target W band and error vector magnitude measurements attest the suitability of the solution for next generation 6G mobile networks.

  • Th2.5: Two-frequency laser source stabilized on a single fiber interferometer for low phase noise and frequency-stable millimeter-wave generation
    Jose Javier Fernandez-Pacheco – Thales Research and Technology – France
    Time: 12:00 19 Sept.
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    Jose Javier Fernandez-Pacheco | Loic Morvan | Daniel Dolfi | Guillaume Ducournau
    Thales Research and Technology – France | Thales Research and Technology – France | Thales Research and Technology – France | Institut d’Electronique de Microélectronique et de Nanotechnologie
    The heterodyne optical generation technique has garnered significant interest over the past few years, due to its efficiency in areas such as high-speed communication systems and spectroscopy. This technique is valued for its characteristics like low loss levels, cost-effectiveness, electromagnetic immunity, and notably, its wide range of tunability. This constant evolution of communication systems, where increasingly greater capacity of data volume management is required, has led many researchers to explore higher frequency ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum, such as the terahertz band (0.1-10 THz). In this band, the precision and stability of the beatnote signal play a crucial role in these communication systems, both for generating different transmission frequency channels and as an oscillator for reception. We propose and demonstrate here a scheme where two narrow-linewidth laser sources are stabilized on a single fiber interferometer, following a double optical frequency locked loop (OFLL) architecture. The frequency stability of the beatnote is improved from a few tens of MHz to below 100 kHz, while it can be tuned from a few tens of MHz up to a few THz.

  • Th2.6: Investigation of Photoemission at InGaN Vacuum-Traveling-Carrier Photodiodes for THz-wave Generation
    Chengyuan Qian – ISEE, Kyushu University
    Time: 12:15 19 Sept.
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    Chengyuan Qian | Yoshimasa Sugimoto | Hiroyuki Ishii | Tatsuro Maeda | Daiki Sato | Tomohiro Nishitani | Yoshio Honda | Yuya Mikami | Kazutoshi Kato
    ISEE, Kyushu University | Semiconductor Frontier Research Center, AIST | Semiconductor Frontier Research Center, AIST | Semiconductor Frontier Research Center, AIST | Photoelectron Soul Inc. | Photoelectron Soul Inc. | IMaSS, Nagoya University | ISEE, Kyushu University | ISEE, Kyushu University
    We developed a vacuum-traveling-carrier photodiode utilizing a miniaturized InGaN photocathode structure and successfully observed photocurrent indicative of photoemission from the photocathode. The implemented photodiode architecture, incorporating a vacuum carrier transport layer with low capacitance, is anticipated to facilitate high-power terahertz wave generation exceeding 300 GHz.

Th3: RoF and Radio-Astronomy

  • Th3.1: Radio-over-Fiber Technology for the Square Kilometre Array
    Federico Perini – INAF/IRA INVITED
    Time: 14:00 18 Sept.
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    Federico Perini
    RoF technology has proven to be fundamental in enabling the construction of SKA-Low, a huge array of more than 130K antennas operating at low frequency in a particularly hostile region, from an environmental point of view, such as the outback of Western Australia. The motivations that led to its adoption and how it has been implemented in the receiving system of the radio telescope are here described.

  • Th3.2: Injection-Locked Gain-Switched Comb Source for Radio Astronomy Local Oscillator
    Bill Shillue – National Radio Astronomy Observatory
    Time: 14:30 18 Sept.
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    Bill Shillue | Frank Smyth | Christophe Jacques | Lacee Savage | Dustin Vaselaar | Jim Muehlberg | Jason Castro
    National Radio Astronomy Observatory | Pilot Photonics | National Radio Astronomy Observatory | Boeing BDS | National Radio Astronomy Observatory | National Radio Astronomy Observatory | National Radio Astronomy Observatory
    An injection-locked gain-switched optical frequency comb source is investigated as a reference source for radio astronomy. The Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA) is a 66-antenna synthesis array for millimeter and submillimeter radio astronomy with sky frequencies from 33-950 GHz. Existing ALMA systems including receivers, digitizers, and correlator have planned upgrades after more than ten years of astronomical observing. This investigation envisages a future upgrade of the millimeter wave local oscillator system by providing the frequency transfer of the LO reference frequency from the central building to the antennas using a frequency comb. We directly compare the resulting LO phase noise to that of the existing installation.

  • Th3.3: Investigating Power Multiplexing for Coherent Microwave Photonic Links
    Amir Abbas Sardarzadeh – University of Ottawa
    Time: 14:45 18 Sept.
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    Amir Abbas Sardarzadeh | Peng Li | Jianping Yao
    University of Ottawa | University of Ottawa | University of Ottawa
    We propose a new technique to use power multiplexing in a coherent radio-over-fiber (RoF) link to increase the data rate without using additional optical wavelengths. At the transmitter, a continuous-wave (CW) light wave from a laser diode (LD) is modulated by two pairs of power-multiplexed microwave vector signals using a dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulator (DD-MZM). The optical signal at the output of the DD-MZM is transmitted over a single-mode fiber (SMF) to a coherent receiver, where coherent detection is performed. A digital signal processing (DSP) algorithm is developed to mitigate the phase noise and unstable offset frequency between the transmitter and local oscillator light sources and to de-multiplex the power-multiplexed signals. An experiment is performed. For the transmission of four power-multiplexed vector signals over 10 km of SMF with two 16QAM lower-power signals and two QPSK higher-power signals, all at a carrier frequency of 4 GHz and a baud rate of 0.5 GSym/s, 3.7% error vector magnitudes (EVMs) for the 16QAM signals and 2.5% for the QPSK signals are achieved for a received optical power of -1 dBm. Error-free transmission is achieved.

  • Th3.4: Flexible Broadband mm-Wave RoF Transmission for Future Converged Wireless System
    Lakshmi Narayanan Venkatasubramani – Dublin City University
    Time: 15:00 18 Sept.
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    Lakshmi Narayanan Venkatasubramani
    Dublin City University | HUST, Wuhan, China | Dublin City University | Dublin City University | HUST, Wuhan, China | Dublin City University
    We analyze the system performance of a large bandwidth photonic THz transmitter based on a WR3 coupled photodiode. Employing probabilistic constellation shaping (PCS) alongside a 64-QAM base constellation, we achieve net data rates of up to 76.8 Gbit/s at 32 GBd. The system’s performance is evaluated across various symbol rates and shaping entropies, with bit-error rates (BER) analyzed in relation to signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at the receiver. ©2024 The Author(s)

  • Th3.5: Suppression of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering for High Power Optical Dual-Sideband Direct Detection OFDM RoF Transmission
    Tomoya Suzuki – Tokyo Metropolitan University
    Time: 15:15 18 Sept.
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    Tomoya Suzuki | Shun Harada | Zheqing Sun | Ken Tanizawa | Fumio Futami | Takahide Sakamoto
    Tokyo Metropolitan University | Tokyo Metropolitan University | Tokyo Metropolitan University | Tamagawa University | Tamagawa University | Tokyo Metropolitan University
    We demonstrate suppression of Stimulated Brillouin Scattering (SBS) for high-power optical orthogonal frequency division multiplexing with direct detection (DD-OFDM) transmission, where external phase modulation driven with a noise source suppresses the SBS. In a high-power regime, 25 km-SMF transmission of a dual-sideband optical DD-OFDM-QPSK signal is demonstrated.  The DD-OFDM transmission is compatible with analog RoF transmission with higher RF link gain.

Th4: Integrated Components

  • Th4.1: Photonic chip-based low noise microwave oscillator
    Scott Diddams – University of Colorado, USA INVITED
    Time: 16:00 19 Sept.
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    Scott Diddams
    University of Colorado, USA

  • Th4.2: Ultra-compact Wideband Microdisk Si-Ge Avalanche Photodetector
    Yushu Jiang – Beijing institute of Technology
    Time: 16:30 19 Sept.
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    Yushu Jiang | Xiajunru Wang | Lang Zhou | Qianlong Zhang | Bin Wang | Weifeng Zhang
    Beijing institute of Technology | Beijing institute of Technology | Beijing institute of Technology | Beijing institute of Technology | Beijing institute of Technology | Beijing institute of Technology
    We design and fabricate an ultra-compact wideband Si-Ge avalanche photodetector (APD) based on a microdisk resonator incorporated with a lateral PN junction. The device has a radius as small as 3.70 µm and it is fabricated using a standard foundry multi-project wafer (MPW) run, which facilitates cost-effective volume fabrication. The fabricated APD exhibits a low breakdown voltage of -5.66 V, leading to low power consumption in avalanche mode. At a bias voltage of -5.75 V, slightly lower than the breakdown voltage, the APD achieves a high responsivity of 8.50 A/W at -30 dBm input power and a wide bandwidth of 19.20 GHz. The proposed APD holds key advantages of ultra-compact footprint, low operating voltage, high responsivity, and wide bandwidth, making it promising for large-scale optical interconnection networks and microwave photonic systems.

  • Th4.3: Germanium Waveguide Photoreceiver for Photonic-to-Microwave Converter of 5G Millimeter Wave Generation from n257 to n262 Bands
    Chih-Hsien Cheng – National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
    Time: 16:45 19 Sept.
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    Chih-Hsien Cheng | Atsushi Matsumoto | Naokatsu Yamamoto | Gong-Ru Lin | Kouichi Akahane
    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology | National Taiwan University | National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
    The germanium waveguide photoreceiver chip with a size of 40 mm × 10 mm exhibits a responsitivity of 0.6 A/W, 3-dB analog modulation of 40.5 GHz, and noise equivalent power of 0.3 pW/Hz0.5 to demonstrate 5G millimeter-wave carriers with frequencies of 26-47 GHz (n257-n262 bands) for the future Silicon photonic platform in B5G and 6G wireless applications.

  • Th4.4: Novel Folded Structure Recycling Phase Modulator for Ultralow V? and Enhanced Low-V? Bandwidth
    Yongtao Du – Southwest Jiaotong University
    Time: 17:00 19 Sept.
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    Yongtao Du | Xihua Zou | Fang Zou | Xiaojun Xie | Wei Pan | Lianshan Yan
    Southwest Jiaotong University | Southwest Jiaotong University | Tianfu Xinglong Lake Laboratory | Southwest Jiaotong University | Southwest Jiaotong University | Southwest Jiaotong University
    Electro-optic phase modulators (PMs) with an ultralow half-wave voltage (V?) are fundamental devices for optical communication and microwave photonics systems. Here, a folded recycling PM is developed to achieve both an ultralow V? and a large low-V? bandwidth via a thin-film lithium niobate (TFLN) platform. This novel design enables a high modulation efficiency of the recycling modulation structure and a large low-V? bandwidth by reducing the time delay of the optical loop-back waveguide. The fabricated PM is characterized by an ultralow V? of 2.84 V@48.1 GHz, and particularly a large low-V? bandwidth of 2.6 GHz in each modulation period from 3.5 to 50 GHz.

  • Th4.5: On-chip Microwave Photonic System through Multi-component Micro-transfer Print Integration
    Fatih Bilge Atar – Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP
    Time: 17:15 19 Sept.
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    Fatih Bilge Atar | Yeasir Arafat | Darpan Mishra | James O\’Callaghan | Tomasz Piwonski | Abi Waqas | Owen Moynihan | Diego Dominguez | Brendan Roycroft | Fatima Gunning | Kevin Thomas | Emanuele Pelucchi | Brian Corbett
    Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP | Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP | Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP | Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP | Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP | Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP | Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP | Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP | Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP | Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP | Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP | Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP | Tyndall National Institute, University College Cork, Cork Ireland T12 R5CP
    We demonstrated a photonic integrated circuit (PIC) with heterogeneously integrated InP-based lasers and uni-travelling carrier photodiodes (UTC-PD) for microwave photonics applications. The InP components are integrated via the micro-transfer printing (MTP) technique, which allows scalable manufacturing process of the microwave photonic chips. We used the photonic circuit to form an external cavity with the transfer printed laser device and achieved tunable single frequency lasing for use in heterodyne radio frequency (RF) generation. The heterogeneously integrated UTC-PDs had 80 GHz bandwidth, and we validated RF generation on UTC-PD with the emission from an on-chip laser.

Fr1: MWP in Artificial Intelligence

  • Fr1.1: Deep Learning Assisted Microwave Photonic Sensors
    Xiaoke Yi – The University of Sydney, Australia INVITED
    Time: 9:00 20 Sept.
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    Xiaoke Yi | Xiaoyi Tian | Luping Zhou | Liwei Li | Linh Nguyen | Robert Minasian
    The University of Sydney, Australia | The University of Sydney, Australia | The University of Sydney, Australia | The University of Sydney, Australia | The University of Sydney, Australia | The University of Sydney, Australia
    Microwave photonic (MWP) sensors leveraging optical-to-radio frequency conversion to achieve high speed and high resolution, become indispensable in the era of advanced sensing. Integrating deep learning with MWP sensing has unlocked new capabilities previously out of reach. Recent advances are presented with a focus on using deep learning techniques to assist MWP sensors to achieve wide range operation, multi-parameter sensing capabilities, and reflective sensors with enhanced performance. Future opportunities to further advance the field of MWP sensing are also presented.

  • Fr1.2: A High-Speed Microwave Photonic Processor for Convolutional Neural Networks
    Mahdi Chegini – University of Ottawa
    Time: 9:30 20 Sept.
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    Mahdi Chegini | Yiran Guan | Jianping Yao
    University of Ottawa | University of Ottawa | University of Ottawa
    High-speed convolutional neural networks (CNNs) play a pivotal role in tasks ranging from facial recognition and object detection to medical image analysis and classification. In this paper, we present and experimentally demonstrate a novel microwave photonic processor for convolution processing that is employed to accelerate CNNs. Thanks to the novel system architecture and the associated serialization approach, the effective speed is increased. Specifically, for a CNN with a 2×2 kernel, the effective speed is doubled and for a CNN with a 3×3 kernel, the effective speed is tripled. The processor is experimentally tested in which the MNIST dataset is employed for its performance evaluation. The results show various feature maps can be achieved at an increased speed. Our findings indicate that this microwave photonics processor can greatly enhance the speed and efficiency for convolution processing, underscoring its potential for widespread applications in high-demand computational tasks.

  • Fr1.3: Unified Optical and Electrical Noise Figure
    Reinhold Noe – Paderborn University, Germany INVITED
    Time: 9:45 20 Sept.
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    Reinhold Noe
    Paderborn University, Germany
    The electrical noise figure (NF) Fe with minimum value Fe=1 is defined for linear systems with 2 available detector quadratures. The traditional optical NF Fpnf with minimum value Fpnf=2 for an ideal standard amplifier with high gain is defined for nonlinear systems with 1 available detector quadrature. Hence it should not be called the optical NF. Fe and Fpnf cannot be merged in the thermal or THz range. The optical equivalent of Fe is the optical I&Q NF Fo,IQ, with minimum value Fo,IQ=1 for an ideal EDFA with high gain. Fe and Fo,IQ can be unified as the NF FIQ for all frequencies (f). In the electrical domain there is source noise (kT at low f). But in the optical domain there is detection (shot) noise (hf). As a consequence, noise behavior of coherent true homodyne receivers (RX) with 1 available quadrature differs from that of IQ RX, resulting in an optical in-phase or homodyne NF Fo,I with minimum value Fo,I=2. If a direct detection RX is linearized by a square-root device at the output, resulting Fpnf may be used and equals Fo,I.

  • Fr1.4: Highly scalable Photonic-assisted Complex-valued Matrix Computation Engine for Efficient Parallel Image Processing
    Hao Sun – Centre Énergie Matériaux Telecommunications (INRS-EMT) Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Montréal, Canada
    Time: 10:15 20 Sept.
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    Hao Sun | Xinyi Zhu | Jose Azana
    Centre Énergie Matériaux Telecommunications (INRS-EMT) Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Montréal, Canada | Centre Énergie Matériaux Telecommunications (INRS-EMT) Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Montréal, Canada | Centre Énergie Matériaux Telecommunications (INRS-EMT) Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique, Montréal, Canada
    We propose and demonstrate a photonic-assisted complex-valued matrix computation engine that enables efficient realization of image processing tasks in a parallel manner. In experiments, two image processing functionalities are implemented simultaneously with an equivalent computation speed of ~ 37 GOPS per wavelength.

Fr2: LNOI Components

  • Fr2.1: High-speed TFLN modulators
    Mian Zhang – Hyperlight Corp., USA INVITED
    Time: 11:00 20 Sept.
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    Mian Zhang
    Hyperlight Corp., USA

  • Fr2.2: Integrated lithium niobate microwave photonic applications
    Hanke Feng – City University of Hong Kong
    Time: 11:30 20 Sept.
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    Hanke Feng | Tong Ge | Cheng Wang
    City University of Hong Kong | City University of Hong Kong | City University of Hong Kong
    We employ the integrated lithium niobate platform to explore high-performance microwave photonics systems for ultrafast analog signal processing and in-situ optical vector analysis, achieving significant and all-around performance edges in terms of operation bandwidth, processing speed, and energy consumption compared with other on-chip and off-chip MWP platforms.

  • Fr2.3: Highly Efficient Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Modulator with Resonant-Type Electrode
    Yuya Yamaguchi – National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
    Time: 11:45 20 Sept.
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    Yuya Yamaguchi | Satoki Hamamura | Takaaki Mizuno | Hiroshi Nakagawa | Kouichi Akahane | Tetsuya Kawanishi
    National Institute of Information and Communications Technology
    We investigated a thin-film lithium niobate modulator with a resonant-type electrode to improve the modulation efficiency for specific-frequency-band applications such as radio-over-fiber links. The modulation efficiency of the traveling-wave modulator and resonant-type modulator at 50 GHz were quantitatively compared through experiments. We successfully demonstrated the advantages of the resonant-type modulator for specific applications.

  • Fr2.4: Hybrid InP-LNOI photonic integrated frequency converter for microwave photonics applications
    Sergio Vera – Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna
    Time: 12:00 20 Sept.
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    Sergio Vera | Federico Camponeschi | Luca Rinaldi | Filippo Scotti | Muhammad Imran | Mirco Scaffardi | Antonella Bogoni | Paolo Ghelfi
    Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna | Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna | CNIT | CNIT | Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna | CNIT | Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna | CNIT
    This paper reports a photonic integrated RF frequency converter  architecture, as well as the preliminary characterization of its individual components. The assembled chip is based on hybrid InP-LNOI integration and with a form factor of 13mm x 12mm. The LNOI chip shows promising values in terms of modulation bandwidth (>23 GHz, while expected to be improved >30 GHz in a second iteration) and extinction ratio (33 dB). Moreover, a conversion loss of 33dB was also simulated through the measured parameters.

  • Fr2.5: Ultrahigh-Speed Photodiode on Thin-Film Lithium Niobate Platform
    Chao Wei – Southwest jiaotong university
    Time: 12:15 20 Sept.
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    Chao Wei | Xiaojun Xie | Chenghao Wang | Jihui Sun | Lin Jiang | Jia Ye | Xihua Zou | Wei Pan | Lianshan Yan
    Southwest jiaotong university | Southwest jiaotong university | Southwest jiaotong university | Southwest jiaotong university | Southwest jiaotong university | Southwest jiaotong university | Southwest jiaotong university | Southwest jiaotong university | Southwest jiaotong university
    An ultrahigh-speed modified uni-traveling carrier photodiode integrated on a thin-film lithium niobate platform has been proposed and fabricated. Experimental tests reveal a record-high bandwidth of 130 GHz with a responsivity of 0.35 A/W. This photodiode demonstrates high-quality detection of 50 Gbaud, 60 Gbaud, 80 Gbaud, and 100 Gbaud four-level pulse amplitude modulation signals in intensity modulation direct detection communication systems.

Fr3: MWP Components

  • Fr3.1: Integrated Photonic Analog-to-Digital Converter and Its Applications
    Weiwen Zou – Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China INVITED
    Time: 14:00 20 Sept.
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    Weiwen Zou | Na Qian | Ruiheng Qin | Jing Wang | Shaofu Xu | Xiuting Zou | Defu Zhou
    Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China | Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China | Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China | Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China | Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China | Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China | Department of Electronic Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University Shanghai, China
    Driven by applications in radar systems, software radio, and communication systems, integrated photonic analogto-digital converter has been developing towards higher speeds and better accuracy. Here, we describe recent progress in integrated photonic analog-to-digital converter and focus on our recent progress on optimization of architecture, realization of system integration and its applications.

  • Fr3.2: A Heterodyne Detection based Photonic-assisted ADC Using Quantum Dash Mode-locked Laser
    Yuxuan Xie – McGill University
    Time: 14:30 20 Sept.
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    Yuxuan Xie | Guocheng Liu | Jiaren Liu | Zhenguo Lu | Philip J. Poole | John Weber | Pedro Barrios | Mohamed Rahim | Lawrence R. Chen
    McGill University | National Research Council Canada | National Research Council Canada | National Research Council Canada | National Research Council Canada | National Research Council Canada | National Research Council Canada | National Research Council Canada | McGill University
    This paper presents a photonic analog-to-digital converter (ADC) tailored for RF and mmWave signals, featuring down-conversion to intermediate frequency (IF) to reduce bandwidth requirements for the photodetector (PD) and ADC sampling rate. Demonstrating an operational range of 18-32 GHz, including the 5G NR band, the system achieves a maximum effective number of bits (ENOB) of 11, limited by the performance of hardware. The ADC effectively detects various RF/mmWave communication signals with a 7.5 GHz PD and 12.5 GS/s sampling rate, showing potential for higher frequency applications and complex modulation formats in modern communication systems.

  • Fr3.3: Photonic synthesis and down-conversion of microwave signals for frequency-response measurement
    Qiyin Xue – Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
    Time: 14:45 20 Sept.
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    Qiyin Xue | Shuai Shao | Sigang Yang | Hongwei Chen | Minghua Chen
    Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University | Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University | Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University | Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University | Department of Electronic Engineering, Tsinghua University
    We propose a microwave signal synthesizer based on optical phase-locked loop and a down-conversion receiver based on the phase-locked lasers to measure the frequency-response of a device-under-test. The proposed scheme offers a potential way to develop a wideband, high dynamic range and integrated vector network analyzer.

  • Fr3.4: Programmable Temporal Processing of Optical Signals by Fully Reversible Talbot Sampling
    Majid Goodarzi – Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS)
    Time: 15:00 20 Sept.
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    Majid Goodarzi | Manuel P. Fernandez | Xinyi Zhu | Jose Azana
    Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) | Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) | Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS) | Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (INRS)
    We propose and experimentally demonstrate a programmable microwave photonic filter that enables processing of the target signal directly in the time domain. The method involves a Talbot-based sampling process, which consists of linear phase-only transformations in both the time and frequency domains. This approach allows access to the spectral content of the signal in the time domain for manipulation and processing and is easily reversible, enabling recovery of the original signal after processing. We experimentally validate the system by filtering noise from random data signals in scenarios where conventional bandpass filtering methods are not effective.

  • Fr3.5: Characterization and packaging of erbium-doped alumina waveguide amplifier on a silicon nitride layer
    Quentin Coulaud – Keopsys Industries
    Time: 15:15 20 Sept.
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    Quentin Coulaud | Cadiou Erwan | Marco Romanelli | Mehdi Alouini | Dawson B. Bonneville | Carlos E. Osornio-Martines | Sonia M. Garcia-Blanco | Ivo Hegeman | Ronald Dekker
    Keopsys Industries | KEOPSYS INDUSTRIES | CNRS Institut FOTON | CNRS Institut FOTON | Mesa+ Institute for Nanotechnology University of Twente | Mesa+ Institute for Nanotechnology University of Twente | Mesa+ Institute for Nanotechnology University of Twente | LioniX International | LioniX International
    This paper presents our recent developments on optical amplification in photonic chips that were developed as part of the European project OPHELLIA (On-chip PHotonics Erbium-doped Laser for LIdar Applications). A photonic chip, integrating an optical amplifier based on Al2O3:Er3+ doped with 1.5×1026 ions/m3 over a length of 7 cm, and Si3N4 multiplexers, is shown to have an internal net gain of 20 dB on the active section and an on-chip gain of 4.5 dB at the chip output for a signal at 1550 nm. These results demonstrate the potential of this technology for developing high-performance integrated optical amplifiers.

Poster Session

  • Ps1: Frequency Stabilized 300-GHz Wireless Data Link with Self-Heterodyned Dual-Mode-Lasing DFBLD

    Gong-Ru Lin | Szu-En Lai | You-Xin Wang | Yu-Hsiang Cheng | Yung-Hsuan Li | Yu-Sheng Liao | Yu-Chieh Chi

  • Ps2: Dispersion-Compensation-Fiber-Enabled Photonic-Delay Phase-Noise Measurement

    Andrej Lavric | Matjaz Vidmar | Bostjan Batagelj

  • Ps3: Digitized Radio-over-Fiber Transmission System Based on ADPCM Compressed Encoding

    Jiongbin Deng | Jia Ye | Ningyuan Zhong | Wei Pan | Lianshan Yan | Xihua Zou

  • Ps4: 40 mA High-Current Photodetector Operating at 43 GHz and Thermal Study of its Critical Point and Temperature Variations

    Yaofeng Yi | Toshimasa Umezawa | Kouichi Akahane | Tetsuya Kawanishi

  • Ps5: Trilateration-based Photonic THz Radar for 3D Positioning

    Zuomin Yang | Lu Zhang | Zhidong Lyu | Xing Fang | Qiuzhuo Deng | Xianbin Yu

  • Ps6: Tunable Single and Dual-frequency Optoelectronic Oscillator Incorporating a Single Cavity

    Zhuoran Wang | Yuxuan Xie | Zixian Wei | David V. Plant | Lawrence R. Chen

  • Ps7: Real-time spectrum analysis of multi-GHz RF signals with 100% probability of interception in a simple photonic platform

    Hugues Guillet de Chatellus

  • Ps8: Generation and Tunability of Optical Frequency Comb by Lasers with Optical Feedback

    Zhuqiu Chen | Can Fang | Yuxi Ruan | Yanguang Yu | Qinghua Guo | Jiangtao Xi | Jun Tong

  • Ps9: 2-D PDA based Spatial-diversity Reception for Wide-FoV Mobile FSO System

    Zu-Kai Weng | Yuki Yoshida | Toshimasa Umezawa | Michikazu Hattori | Yukihiko Suga | Atsushi Matsumoto | Atsushi Kanno | Naokatsu Yamamoto | Tetsuya Kawanishi | Kouichi Akahane

  • Ps10: Modes of Frequency-Modulated and Frequency-Shifted Feedback Lasers

    Miguel Cuenca | Haroldo Maestre | Carlos R. Fernández-Pousa

  • Ps11: Photonic generation of tunable broadband linearly frequency-modulated signal based on a frequency-shifted optical loop

    Xun Wang | Zhuang Shao | Shuai Zu | Dongxu Li | Jingjing Hu | Yiying Gu | Mingshan Zhao

  • Ps12: Precise Control of Antenna Array Beamforming Power Distribution via Reinforcement Learning-Guided Topology Optimization

    Zongxin Gan | Jia Ye | Xiao Yu | Lianshan Yan | Xihua Zou | Wei Pan

  • Ps13: Deep Learning Assisted Long-Range Microwave Photonic Sensing Using Reflective Microdisk

    Xiaoyi Tian | Yeming Chen | Kai Pan | Yao Ke | Junkai Dong | Luping Zhou | Liwei Li | Linh Nguyen | Xiaoke Yi

  • Ps14: Relative Intensity Noise reduction in III-V/Si laser through Vernier filter configuration

    Akeem Safiriyu | Joan Ramirez | Salim Faci | Anne-Laure Billabert | Catherine Algani

  • Ps15: Surface Grating Coupler Array for Optical Wireless Communication Receivers

    Mikolaj Wolny | Maira Perez Sosa | Jasper de Graaf | Ton Koonen | Eduward Tangdiongga

  • Ps16: Clock-data-recovery-based delta-sigma modulation over multi-mode fiber under axis-misalignment condition

    Atsushi Kanno

  • Ps17: Optical Convolution Processing Based on an Amplified Fiber-Optic Recirculating Loop

    Zheng Dai | Yiran Guan | Jianping Yao

  • Ps18: Metasurface Antenna for Gain and Bandwidth Enhancement in 28 GHz Radio-over-Fiber System

    Asif Bilal | Pham Tien Dat | Marco A. Antoniades | Atsushi Kanno | Keizo Inagaki | Tetsuya Kawanishi | Stavros Iezekiel

  • Ps19: A tunable optical 90° hybrid coupler in SOI for wavelength-independent coherent receivers

    Filippo Scotti | Manuel Reza | Federico Camponeschi | Claudio Porzi | Daniel Owen Bellis Garcia | Mirco Scaffardi | Paolo Ghelfi

  • Ps20: High-Speed Multi-channel Signal Acquisition in Photonic Time Stretch Optical Coherence Tomography through Frequency Division Multiplexing

    Weiqing Liao | Yuanli Yue | Shouju Liu | Ailing Zhang | Chao Wang

  • Ps21: High-Precision, Low-cost Microwave Photonic Fiber Transfer Delay Monitoring System

    Jacopo Nanni | Iris Rizzi | Enrico Lenzi | Federico Perini | Jader Monari | Federica Caputo | Giovanni Tartarini

  • Ps22: A Microwave Photonic Neural Network Using Recurrent Multi-Frequency Single-Sideband Modulation in an Optical Fiber Loop

    Yiran Guan | Jianping Yao

  • Ps23: A Novel Photonic Instantaneous Frequency Measurement Technique using Binary Deduction

    Sreeraj S J | Joydip Dutta | Diddi Pavitra Varsha | Deepa Venkitesh

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